Address the root causes, so you can live vibrant health!

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“How to go from Exhausted to Energized”

Have you been going from doctor to doctor, seeking answers?  

Are you feeling frustrated with only having medication options?  

Have you dabbled in diet and lifestyle without getting the results that you want?  

If you’re like most of us here, you’ve seen multiple providers, but are still not feeling how you want to feel.  You may still have gut symptoms, pain, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and brain fog.  

Conventional medicine often provides medications and surgery that give some comfort and reduction in symptoms.  But you may feel that something is missing in this care.  You may feel that you’re not being seen as a whole person.   And you’d be right.  You may have also tried supplements and different diets, and still not gotten to where you want to be.  Something is missing.  

What’s missing is the holistic and synergistic approach, and an empowering education.  Without treating the root cause, and changing patterns in the body, you can only go so far.   We’ve found that when you learn an empowering curriculum, treat the root cause and treat the whole body, you can create a new state of health and wellness and gain freedom in your life.  

Through individualized and empowering wellness programs that include treatments, specialized testing and education, that addresses all of you- diet, lifestyle, gut health, hormones, nutrients, stress, and your relationship with yourself, you can experience healthy digestion, less inflammation, less pain, more energy and decreased autoimmunity.


We support people with the following health issues:



Hashimoto’s, Graves or hypothyroidism



gas and bloating, GERD, and other chronic digestive issues

IBD (Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis)


Ankylosing Spondylitis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hashimotos, Graves

Eczema and Psoriasis

Autoimmune Urticaria

Abnormal labs, but no diagnosis

Mystery Illnesses:

You not have a diagnosis, but struggle with fatigue, rashes, pain, abnormal labs, inflammation, etc.

Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia

Or, you just don’t feel like yourself, and no one can tell you why!


Let’s Talk!

We are currently accepting new clients, and work with clients virtually (especially during social distancing), and in person.

 Dr. Mann is passionate about helping people break out of ‘cycles of illness’.  She’s a sought-after naturopathic doctor that has worked with thousands of patients, and has been through this process herself.  She loves seeing people start to understand what’s truly causing the illness, and move into a state of feeling good each day.

“My life was a serious struggle before working with Dr Jenny. I had massive digestive issues, chronic stress, crazy mood swings, and low energy. I felt stuck. After the first chat with Dr Jenny I felt inspired! She gave me hope. She spent time listening and asking lots of questions. (This is in stark contrast with my experience with most doctors. I feel like they are too rushed.) We ran tests and customized a nutrition/supplement plan specifically for me. After each visit we ran more tests and tweaked the plan. I slowly started feeling better and better and eventually got my life back.”

- Sean A.