About Us

Our mission

To help as many people as possible to heal and optimize their health, so they can live in their full potential.  We are here to provide the tools and support, and create a community for healing.


Nova means “new”. A new approach to health, a new state of health, a new way of feeling empowered in your health, a new way of feeling alive.

You’re in the RIGHT place! 


Most people with digestive, autoimmune and thyroid issues struggle with pain, fatigue, brain fog, gas, bloating, and irregular digestion.  

We support you through a process of specialized testing, education, and individualized treatments to find a new state of health.

You may be asking:

Why are the medications I’ve been prescribed not making me feel better?

Do I have to be on medications forever and what are the side effects?

Am I going to have to keep going from doctor to doctor?

Is there something I can do for my health, beyond medications? 

I’m eating and sleeping well, so why do I still feel tired.

Why haven’t supplements worked?

I’ve changed my diet, so why don’t I feel better?

They tell me my labs are normal, or I have to wait for them to get worse to do any thing. Isn’t there something I can do for my health now?

You’re in the RIGHT place! 

We know you want to feel better.  We know you’ve been trying-  seeing doctors, reading information on the internet, trying supplements.  We know how frustrating it is to not feel well, and not be able to live life fully.  To not be able to socialize, show-up your best at work, and living your life around your health issues.

We’re here to empower you to change your health in a deep way.  By addressing the root causes, and addressing your health holistically, you can change patterns on a deep level.  You can experience a new level of wellness, and vibrant health!


Dr. Jenny Mann, ND

I understand the struggles of digestive issues, hormone problems and autoimmune disease because I’ve been there myself.  After living in the Brazilian Amazon in college, I returned with severe digestive issues.  These developed into fatigue, eczema, and brain fog.  I was exhausted, couldn’t socialize, and felt like I was missing out on life. I was missing out on life. I went to doctors and these issues were dismissed as ‘just IBS and depression’.  I was beyond frustrated.  

In my first year of medical school, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune thyroid condition, and later, severe endometriosis.  These diagnoses gave me a name for the condition, but didn’t tell me anything about how I could feel better.   My desire for better health fueled me, and I spent my education focused on learning about the root causes of these autoimmune, gut and hormone conditions, and how to change them.  I found my way to better health and I love supporting others to do the same.

I’ve now been practicing for over a decade, with the honor of working with thousands of clients, and seeing them find empowerment, and heal from chronic conditions, conditions that people are often told that they ‘just have to live with’.   I started practicing in integrative family practice, so I am well versed in both conventional and integrative medicine, and love using the best of all worlds.  Because of this, I frequently get referrals from medical doctors, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists, physical therapists and other medical practitioners. 

Dr. Jenny Mann studied at Bastyr University, in Seattle, WA, the premier naturopathic school in the country.  She graduated with a BA in Chemistry high honors from Macalester College in St. Paul, MN.  She was an Environmental Scientist with the US EPA.  Dr. Mann has spent her medical career in integrative family practices, including One Medical Group, an innovative and modern national primary care group.  Her passion for healing lead to the creation of Nova Wellness.

Chelsea McGuire

I battled with exhaustion, anxiety, and depression, and relied on caffeine, sugar, and food to cope with these difficult experiences. This cycle led to physical and mental distress.  The drowsiness affected my ability to drive. I had painful bloating, gas, and even unexplainable rashes.   I didn’t know where to start, so I avoided starting altogether. 

My turning point was when I discovered movement and group fitness.  The energy and camaraderie in those classes motivated me, and sparked my journey to explore what truly made me feel good.  I learned about the healing power of real foods.   I lost weight.  I felt better about myself emotionally and mentally.   I discovered a deeper sense of healing, well-being and self-love. I became my own healer. 

I'm devoted to empowering others to find their unique healing path, supporting your ability to heal. My passion lies in guiding you to your health, with self-compassion and kindness.

This is why I’m here - to be a guide for people ready to take their lives back.  I can’t wait to work with you and help you on your wellness journey. 

Chelsea has a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology, is a certified health coach, trauma informed Yoga Nidra facilitator, Reiki master teacher, and has a strong background in holistic wellness, mindfulness, meditation, and somatic healing. Outside of work she loves cooking, hiking, dancing, and spending time on the beach. She moved to San Diego in August of 2023 from Steamboat Springs, CO and has been loving the warm change in climate.  

Ashley Seeno, Office Assistant

I am passionate about finding healthier and safer avenues to healing. I got interested in holistic medicine when I became a mom.  I became passionate about this when my oldest was diagnosed with acid reflux as a newborn and the doctors instantly wanted to put her on acid reflux medication. This was when I really started to pay attention to what I was put in my own body. I realized that the choices I made affected her health. We noticed a huge change in the struggles my daughter was having when I made the changes in my diet and lifestyle. Now, we live by those changes, and will forever. Having children put everything into perspective.

I am so happy to be providing compassionate client support for Nova Wellness.  I look forward to speaking with you and helping you succeed in your holistic journey to better health. 

Outside of work, I love going on adventures with my family, the sunshine, the lake, the snow, great food, shopping and classic cars. 

“After working with Dr. Jenny Mann for a year, I have a confirmed diagnosis, have alleviated 80-90% of my sever symptoms, and most importantly, understand the causes and path to remission. I no longer have memory loss and brain fog; therefore, I'm able to be more productive in my work and personal life. I'm also fatigue free 90% of the time and when I am experiencing fatigue, it's not as bad as it once was (I used to have bruises from pinching myself in meetings and at family events just to stay awake/alert).Dr. Jenny Mann is a Health Partner - she teaches, treats, and most importantly supports her patients.”

- Catherine P.